Familiar Technologies: Low solids polymer ,Lignosulfonate mud (weighted and un weighted),Kcl polymer mud and free clay kcl polymer,
Non damaging mud,Salt saturated mud,salt polymer mud,
Oil base mud , Phpa kcl mud ,Phpa-glycol kcl mud

Regions of the world you have worked: libya

Resume: I have worked with different drilling Fluids Companies as senior mud engineer (offshore & on shore)

Libyan Milchem (1999-2000) Trainee Mud Engineer
Libyan Milchem (2001-2003) Regular Mud Engineer
Libyan Milchem (2004) Senior Mud Engineer
Libyan Baroid (2005-2006) Senior Mud Engineer
Challenger (2006) Senior Mud Engineer
Copit fluid services (2007) Senior Mud Engineer
Alamia Group (2007) Senior & Mud Supervisor
Libyan Baroid (2008) Senior & Mud Supervisor

Worked as drilling fluid consulted for operators companies as

Waha (Oasis) (2008) Gialo 59 field Mud Supervisor
AGOCO (2009 up to now ) field Mud Supervisor

My experience extend to work on some down hole problems such as :-

Oil & Gas influx (H2S) , pressurized shale as Hagfa Shale with Sirt Oil Company,stuck pipe, torq/drag
Carbonate / bicarbonate ,bits / stab. Balling .
Salt domes ,salt water influx ,elastic formation with Agip Oil Company.
Loss circulation problems
high pressure zones ( emw = 18 ppg ) oil base mud and salt saturated
good geology basics
fair drilling engineering
fair computer skills